Exclusive Interview: World Hydrogen North America

Matt McMonagle, founder of NovoHydrogen, joined World Hydrogen Leaders to discuss his vast experience in renewable energy and his dedication to sustainable solutions.

He will be speaking at the upcoming World Hydrogen North America conference on the domestic perspective of the hydrogen demand-side dilemma during the Plenary Debate of the Day.

Key Highlights:
1:17 Matt shared insights into his journey into renewable energy and his current work at NovoHydrogen.
3:54 Discussed the current challenges in the hydrogen sector, including fragmentation and unclear policy frameworks.
7:27 Ahead of World Hydrogen North America’s ‘Debate of the Day: Domestic vs. International: The Hydrogen Demand Side Dilemma’, why NovoHydrogen takes the “domestic” position and a preview into what will be covered during this plenary discussion
10:41 Addressed concerns over hydrogen becoming another “overhyped” green tech and where it truly adds value.
13:15 Emphasized the ongoing evolution of hydrogen and its realistic potential post-honeymoon phase.

World Hydrogen North America returns to Houston on March 31st – April 2nd, 2025.

Find out more here.