
Partner with us.

NovoHydrogen is actively working with equipment providers, contractors, consultants, landowners, and investors to expand our green hydrogen project portfolio across North America.

Partnering with equipment providers, contractors, local landowners, consultants, and investors is crucial to developing successful, safe, and reliable green hydrogen projects. Our partners benefit by working with us as we connect them to opportunities and expertise in one of the fastest growing renewable energy industries.

Equipment Partners

Become an equipment provider to customers from industrial, power, and transportation sectors.

Equipment providers are essential to our projects. We require heavy-duty machinery, such as electrolyzers, hydrogen compressors and storage tanks, pipelines, turbines, and fuel cells to deliver green hydrogen solutions to our customers. We partner with you to source equipment and successfully execute our projects.


Utilize your land to make additional income.

You can earn extra cash and diversify your revenue by leasing or selling a portion of your land to develop a local green hydrogen project. NovoHydrogen works closely to ensure that your land is preserved for the long-term and that the local community is considered throughout every step in the project development process.

Project Investors

Grow your capital by investing in a high-growth industry.
Our investors are socially and environmentally conscious and passionate about sustainability. The NovoHydrogen team shares the same values and is committed to transparency when it comes to our fiduciary responsibility to our investors.

How can we help?

We collaborate with our customers and partners beyond just meetings and financial spreadsheets. We are on the ground with you to find answers to challenging questions.
Complete the form below and we will be in touch!